Rich in History, Prime in Location!
A beautiful Edwardian heritage home centrally located in the heart of the "Theater District" - situated on a quiet tree lined residential street but located to "park 'n walk" just about anywhere.

History of a Heritage Home
Built 1907 George S. Pequegnat Jeweler
George Stanley Pequegnat was born in the nearby village of Tavistock in 1882. He came from a long line of clock and watchmakers. By 1889 his father James had moved the family to Stratford to establish his own jewelry store. Here, George learned the business. In 1904 George married Jean Isabelle Watson. They had one daughter. In 1907 the family moved into their new house. About 1910 he joined Seifert and Sons jewellers in Quebec City and later the prestigious Henry Birks & Sons. George S. Peguegant House is just one of many heritage properties on Cobourg Street. For a self guided walking tour of our historical street download the following guide: http://www.stratford-perthcountybranchaco.ca/uploads/files/Cobourg_St_Stroll_Guide.pdf
Source: The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario

ARIEL - the Hedgehog?
Ariel is a spirit who appears in William Shakespeare's play The Tempest.
Ariel is bound to serve the magician Prospero, who rescued him from the tree in which he was imprisoned by Sycorax, the witch who previously inhabited the island. The lively little sprite Ariel took pleasure in tormenting an ugly monster called Caliban, son of his old enemy Sycorax. Swiftly changing his shape, in the likeness of a hedgehog, Ariel would lie tumbling in Caliban's way, who feared the hedgehog's sharp quills would prick his bare feet. Ariel is Prospero's eyes and ears throughout the play and in return for his service Prospero promises to grant Ariel his freedom.
"My quaint Ariel, I shall miss you; yet you shall have your freedom."